Friday, July 1, 12PM
Color code: White with a touch of powder blue (Bride)
Navy blue (Groom)
Saturday, July 2, 10AM
Color code: Pepper Red and Champagne
He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord (Prov. 18vs 22). To the glory of God, what looks impossible to Men, GOD made it possible (Mark 9vs 23).
The foundation of our relationship was based on Christ even when we were young and wasn’t sure of what the future holds, however our hope was in Christ (Colossians 1vs 27).
The beautiful journey began in 2010, we both attended the same secondary school;Command Day Secondary School Odogbo Ibadan, although we weren’t close friends in High School but I (husband) got attracted to my wife in 2009, however I didn’t approach her as I was focused with my studies and the goal then was to gain admission into the University of Ibadan to study Engineering. I however approached her after we left High School and I got a YES.
We both attended the same University, she did a 4-year course while I (husband) did a 5-year course, she graduated a year before me.
Since 2017,we have been miles apart therefore positioning the relationship to be a distance type but since there is absolute trust and commitment, there wasn’t cause for fear.
We talk practically every blessed day, it’s noteworthy that since 2010, we can count the number of days we didn’t communicate and in addition, we didn’t allow 3rd party, we resolve issues between ourselves amicably and move on. We talk practically every time, pray together, gist every day.
We are best friends, lovers, gist buddies, prayer partners, we have seen each other grow from teenage to adulthood,faced and overcome life challenges together, set goals and achieved together.
Our hope is still and will forever remain in Christ for a glorious future. It is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our sight (Psalms 118 vs 23).
David Bolade Event Center. Bible Guest House, by Light House Church Samonda. Ibadan.
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